If you’re reading this…
It feels good to be back. If you’re reading this, this is your sign to create opportunity and not wait for it. Easier said then done but here is why you should step out of your comfort zone.
My friend and I are in our graduating year and we were on the fence if we should take the opportunity to travel due to change and the fear that comes along with it. Every time that fear comes to mind, I promise you after you do what you were scared of you look back and say “wow” I’m glad I did that.
“Don’t wait for your opportunity. Create it”.
This trip will remembered forever,
Banff 23’
Gabby Lugli 04/23
Pre-Photoshoot Hype
The Pre Routine Before a Photoshoot.
Growing up I played sports and I remember there was significant routine or pre-game routine that I would do before a big game and boy oh boy that still applies before every photoshoot I do.
Creativity will come and go and before any event/shoot I want to feel my full potential and be ready for what has to come. I have to listen to one of my favourite playlists in the car just to pump myself up similar to what I would do before my sports games as a kid.
What I find that is so surreal is that there is so much prep before a shoot and there is more than just grabbing your camera. I find I thrive when I feel grounded even if that means having a quick conversation with my mom before I go in and having a general plan and being able to explain that to her.
Explaining your ideas/ plan out loud to anyone helps. Sometimes I find myself writing down plans/ ideas or outfits sketches in my notebook but there has been so many times where I will explain it out load to a friend in school/ a teacher/ family member and I will have the “Ah ha” moment and be able to connect other ideas with the original plan.
Creating a great concept leads to better plans.
Of course grabbing your favourite beverage is always apart of the routine, coffee 100%
The visualization:
Visualizing the after: the feeling you get after shooting is unexplainable. I try to visualize the after; feeling so satisfied with my creativity while also being able to visualize the client being so happy with my work and feeling confident. To invoke a feeling when seeing my images is my goal and what truly hypes me up before shooting.
Introduction: Why I admire Fashion & Travel
I enjoy creating impact through fashion and I have truly been drawn to feminine strength, unique beauty and style that makes one feel confident.
I enjoy creating impact through fashion and I have truly been drawn to feminine strength, unique beauty and style that makes one feel confident. One of my favourite experiences is seeing the friend I bring into the studio (yes you are all considered my friends) and seeing there raw reaction and admiring there beauty through my creativity.
I am driven to travel. I am willing to travel and take opportunities that allow me to step out of my comfort zone. The feeling I get after meeting new people, challenging my creativity is unexplainable and is truly why I do what I do. Traveling is one of my favourite hobbies and is something I do when I am not shooting and every location I learn something about myself and unlocks another creative idea I could include in my shoots.
In 2022 I had the amazing opportunity to go to Europe and I left with Vogue magazines and you can guess what I did on that long flight home. I planned how I could incorporate their style into future shoots and how I could challenge myself for the new year. Traveling is a rush because you are learning and experiencing new environments while also unlocking creative ideas each time similar to each photoshoot I do; and that is truly astonishing.